Requirements: Degree of Secondary Education
Requirements: Degree of Secondary Education
Big data, Design, Informatics - Computer Science, Mathematics (Applied)
Requirements: Degree of Secondary Education
Building Materials, Construction, Engineering, Smart Cities
Requirements: Degree of Secondary Education
Engineering, Industrial, Informatics - Computer Science, IT.Information tech/eng
Requirements: Degree of Secondary Education
Artificial Intelligence, Big data, Informatics - Computer Science
Requirements: Degree of Secondary Education
Engineering Degree (master grade) in 5 years
Electrical Engineering, IT.Information tech/eng
Requirements: Degree of Secondary Education
Engineering Degree (master grade) in 5 years
Requirements: Degree of Secondary Education
Engineering Degree (master grade) in 5 years
Artificial Intelligence, IT.Information tech/eng
Requirements: Degree of Secondary Education
Engineering Degree (master grade) in 5 years
Engineering, Transport
Requirements: Degree of Secondary Education
Engineering Degree (master grade) in 5 years
Engineering, Innovation Management
Requirements: Degree of Secondary Education
Engineering Degree (master grade) in 5 years
Electrical Engineering, Informatics - Computer Science
Requirements: Degree of Secondary Education
Engineering Degree (master grade) in 5 years
Engineering, Informatics - Computer Science, Innovation Management, IT.Information tech/eng
Requirements: Degree of Secondary Education
Engineering Degree (master grade) in 5 years
Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Electronics, Telecommunications
Requirements: Degree of Secondary Education
Engineering Degree (master grade) in 5 years
Ceramics, Chemistry, Control, Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Embedded systems, Environment(al), IT.Information tech/eng, Materials, Mechatronics, Technology, Telecommunications, Wastes, Water
Requirements: Degree of Secondary Education
Engineering Degree (master grade) in 5 years
CAD, CAM, Control, Distributed Information systems, Ecology, Electrical Engineering, Embedded systems, Informatics - Computer Science, Innovative products, materials, Instrumentation, Mechanical, Modeling, Signal and image processing, Software engineering
Requirements: Degree of Secondary Education
Engineering Degree (master grade) in 5 years
Engineering, Industrial
Requirements: Degree of Secondary Education
Engineering Degree (master grade) in 5 years
Requirements: Degree of Secondary Education
Engineering Degree (master grade) in 5 years
Computer graphics, Informatics - Computer Science, IT.Information tech/eng
Requirements: Degree of Secondary Education
Engineering Degree (master grade) in 5 years
Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Fluid mechanics, Hydraulics, Mathematics (Applied), Networks (Computer)
Requirements: Degree of Secondary Education
Engineering Degree (master grade) in 5 years
Requirements: Degree of Secondary Education
Engineering Degree (master grade) in 5 years
Engineering, Technology
Requirements: Degree of Secondary Education
Engineering Degree (master grade) in 5 years
Artificial Intelligence, Big data, Informatics - Computer Science
Requirements: before a Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master in 3 years
Engineering, Innovation Management
Major in Industry and Services
Requirements: before a Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master in 3 years
Industrial, Product / Production
Major in Civil Engineering
Requirements: before a Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master in 3 years
Building, Road
Requirements: before a Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master in 3 years
Distributed Information systems, Embedded systems, Informatics - Computer Science, Software engineering
Requirements: before a Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master in 3 years
Biotechnology, Health
Requirements: before a Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master in 3 years
Networks (Computer), Telecommunications
Major in Internet of things IOT
Requirements: before a Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master in 3 years
Electrical Engineering, IT.Information tech/eng
Major in Embbeded Systems SEM
Requirements: before a Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master in 3 years
Automotive, Embedded systems
Major in Digital Security SEC
Requirements: before a Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master in 3 years
Informatics - Computer Science, Security
Major in Intelligent Communication Systems SCI
Requirements: before a Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master in 3 years
IT.Information tech/eng, Telecommunications
Major in Data Science DSE
Requirements: before a Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master in 3 years
Big data, Informatics - Computer Science
Requirements: before a Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master in 3 years
Electronics, Informatics - Computer Science
Major in Énergie et Environnement
Requirements: before a Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master in 3 years
Energy, Environment(al)
Major in Électronique et Objets Connectés
Requirements: before a Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master in 3 years
Major in Systèmes Embarqués
Requirements: before a Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master in 3 years
Major in Cloud, Systèmes et Sécurité
Requirements: before a Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master in 3 years
Cloud computing, Security
Major in Biomédical
Requirements: before a Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master in 3 years
Biomedical, Bioscience
Major in Data Science Multimédia et Télécom
Requirements: before a Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master in 3 years
Data Warehouse, Telecommunications
Major in E-santé
Requirements: before a Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master in 3 years
Major in Industrie 4.0
Requirements: before a Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master in 3 years
Major in Smart City
Requirements: before a Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master in 3 years
Smart Cities
Major in Intelligence Artificielle
Requirements: before a Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master in 3 years
Artificial Intelligence
Major in Cybersécurité
Requirements: before a Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master in 3 years
Cyber security, Mathematics (Applied)
Major in Big Data
Requirements: before a Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master in 3 years
Big data
Major in Ingénierie d'Affaires
Requirements: before a Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master in 3 years
Business Intelligence, IT.Information tech/eng
Major in Transports et Véhicules Intelligents
Requirements: before a Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master in 3 years
Requirements: before a Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master in 3 years
Engineering, Technology
Major in Aéronautique & Espace
Requirements: before a Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master in 3 years
Aerodynamics, Embedded systems
Major in Ingénierie & Architecture Durable
Requirements: before a Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master in 3 years
Building, Urban
Major in Energie & Environnement
Requirements: before a Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master in 3 years
Ecology, Energy
Major in Engineering & Management
Requirements: before a Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master in 3 years
Business Intelligence, Process / Processing
Major in Ingénierie & Numérique
Requirements: before a Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master in 3 years
Informatics - Computer Science, Software engineering
Major in Ingénierie & Santé
Requirements: before a Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master in 3 years
Biomedical, Health
Major in Structure & Matériaux
Requirements: before a Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master in 3 years
Modeling, Simulation
Major in Data Engineering
Requirements: before a Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master in 3 years
Big data, Data mining
Major in Sustainable Industrial Design
Requirements: before a Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master in 3 years
Design, Manufacturing
Requirements: before a Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master in 3 years
Civil Engineering, Construction, Environment(al), Structural
Requirements: before a Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master in 3 years
Artificial Intelligence, IT.Information tech/eng
Major in Embedded Systems
Requirements: before a Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master in 3 years
Automotive, Embedded systems
Major in Software Engineering
Requirements: before a Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master in 3 years
Cloud computing, Software engineering
Major in Wireless Telecommunications and IoT Systems
Requirements: before a Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master in 3 years
Radio communications and mobile, Telecommunications
Major in Digital Security and Networks
Requirements: before a Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master in 3 years
Cyber security, Networks (Computer)
Major in Data Intelligence
Requirements: before a Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master in 3 years
Artificial Intelligence, Business Intelligence
Requirements: before a Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master in 3 years
IT.Information tech/eng, Software engineering
Major in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
Requirements: before a Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master in 3 years
Artificial Intelligence, Big data
Major in Computer System, Networks and Cybersecurity
Requirements: before a Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master in 3 years
Cyber security, Networks (Computer)
Requirements: before a Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master in 3 years
Biochemistry, Biomolecular, Bioprocessing, Biotechnology
Requirements: before a Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master in 3 years
Artificial Intelligence, Big data, Informatics - Computer Science
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Embedded systems, IT.Information tech/eng
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Engineering, Innovation Management
Major in Industry and Services
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Industrial, Product / Production
Major in Civil Engineering
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Building, Road
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Informatics - Computer Science, IT.Information tech/eng
Major in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Artificial Intelligence, Big data
Major in Computer System, Networks and Cybersecurity
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Cyber security, Networks (Computer)
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Chemical Engineering, Technology
Major in Pollution Control Processes
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Environment(al), Pollution
Major in Computer Aided Process Engineering
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Optimisation, Simulation
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Building, Civil Engineering, Engineering, Strategic Management
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Aeronautical, Aerospace
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Energetics, Energy, Engineering, Environment(al)
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Computing, Informatics - Computer Science, IT.Information tech/eng, Systems
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Computing, Informatics - Computer Science, Information, IT.Information tech/eng
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Computer graphics, Computing, Data mining, Informatics - Computer Science
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Distributed Information systems, Embedded systems, Informatics - Computer Science, Software engineering
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Control, Electrical Engineering, Instrumentation, Signal and image processing
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Biotechnology, Health
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Electrical Engineering, Electronics, IT.Information tech/eng, Telecommunications
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Energetics, Engineering
Master n+ in 2 years
Energy, Technology
Master n+ in 2 years
Building, Sustainable Development
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Engineering, Innovation Management
Major in Energy and Cities of the Future (EVF)
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Energy, Smart Cities
Major in Electrical Systems Engineering and Conception (ISCE)
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Electrical Engineering, Systems
Major in Intelligent Systems Network (RSI)
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Informatics - Computer Science, IT.Information tech/eng
Major in Information Systems Management and Financial Engineering (MSI)
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Finance, Systems
Major in Logistics & Industrial Purchasing (LGA)
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Industrial, Logistics
Major in Mechatronics and Industrial Manufacturing (MPI)
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Manufacturing, Mechatronics
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Informatics - Computer Science, IT.Information tech/eng
Major in IERP - Entreprise Resource Planning Integration (Pau Campus)
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Major in ICC - Cloud Computing in Engineering (Pau Campus)
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Distributed Information systems, IT.Information tech/eng
Major in IT Security
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Security, Software engineering
Major in BI - Business Intelligence
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Business Intelligence, Data mining
Major in Embedded Systems
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Data mining
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Industrial, Logistics, Product / Production
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Computer graphics, Informatics - Computer Science
Major in DS - Data Science
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Artificial Intelligence, Informatics - Computer Science
Major in Finance & Technologies
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Finance, Mathematics (Applied)
Major in IMSI - Ingenierie Mathematique et Simulation Informatique
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Digital simulations, Simulation
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Energetics, Fluid mechanics, Materials, Mechanical
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Electroacoustics, Embedded systems, Mechatronics, Microelectronics
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Chemistry, Environment(al), Wastes, Water
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Engineering, Technology
Master n+ in 2 years
Aerodynamics, Embedded systems
Major in Ingénierie & Architecture Durable
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Building, Urban
Major in Energie & Environnement
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Ecology, Energy
Master n+ in 2 years
Business Intelligence, Process / Processing
Master n+ in 2 years
Informatics - Computer Science, Software engineering
Master n+ in 2 years
Biomedical, Health
Master n+ in 2 years
Modeling, Simulation
Master n+ in 2 years
Big data, Data mining
Major in Design Industriel et Durable
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Design, Manufacturing
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Electrical Engineering, IT.Information tech/eng
Master n+ in 2 years
Master n+ in 2 years
Electrical Engineering, Energy
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Engineering, Industrial
Major in Digital design and innovation
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
CAD, Software engineering
Major in Mechatronics, automation, embedded systems, smartgrids
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Mechatronics, Robotics
Major in Industrial Management & Organisation (mainly taught in Spanish)
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Manufacturing, Strategic Management
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Civil Engineering, Construction, Environment(al), Structural
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Ceramics, Chemistry, Materials, Technology
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Artificial Intelligence, IT.Information tech/eng
Major in Embedded Systems
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Cyber security, Embedded systems
Major in Software Engineering
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Cloud computing, Software engineering
Major in Wireless Telecommunications and IoT Systems
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Radio communications and mobile, Telecommunications
Major in Data Intelligence
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Artificial Intelligence, Business Intelligence
Major in Digital Security and Networks
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Cyber security, Networks (Computer)
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Industrial, Manufacturing, Mechanical, Structural
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Fluid mechanics, Hydraulics
Major in Energy and Processes
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Energy, Modeling
Major in Environmental Engineering
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Environment(al), Modeling
Major in Fluids and Processes
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Fluid mechanics, Modeling
Major in Numerical Fluids Mechanics
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Fluid mechanics, Modeling
Major in Thermal and Fluids Engineering
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Heat exchangers, Thermal transfer
Major in Water and Environment
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Environment(al), Water
Major in Water and Environmental Sciences
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Environment(al), Water
Major in Biotechnologies and e-Health (FR)
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Biomedical, Biotechnology
Major in Computer Science (FR)
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Computing, Informatics - Computer Science
Major in Datascience and Artificial Intelligence (FR)
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Big data, Networks (Computer)
Major in Smart Electronic Systems (FR/EN)
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Digital simulations, Microelectronics
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Electrical Engineering, Informatics - Computer Science
Major in Embedded systems (FR)
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Automation, Embedded systems
Major in Industrial engineering (FR)
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Manufacturing, Product / Production
Major in Cybersecurity (FR)
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Cyber security, Networks (Computer)
Major in Renewable energy and energy efficiency (FR)
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Energy, Sustainable Development
Major in Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity (EN)
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Artificial Intelligence, Cyber security
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Nanosciences, Physical Engineering
Major in micro nano physics
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Nanosciences, Physical Engineering
Major in Physical Instrumentation
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Nanosciences, Physical Engineering
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Control, Electronics
Major in Embedded Electronics
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Embedded systems
Major in System Engineering
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Biochemistry, Microbiology
Major in Microbiology and biocatalysis for industry
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Biochemistry, Microbiology
Major in
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Biochemistry, Microbiology
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Chemical Engineering, Energy, Water
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Air conditionning, Heating, Ventilating , Civil Engineering
Major in Building
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Civil Engineering, Construction
Major in Climatic Engineering
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Air conditionning, Heating, Ventilating , Civil Engineering
Major in public construction
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Civil Engineering, Construction
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
IT.Information tech/eng, Software engineering
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
IT.Information tech/eng, Software engineering
Major in Computer courses
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
IT.Information tech/eng, Software engineering
Major in Numerical Physics
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Mathematics (Applied), Simulation
Major in System Integration
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Embedded systems, Microelectronics
Major in Communicating Systems
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
High Frequency Electronic, Radio communications and mobile
Major in Eco Energy
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Energy, Environment(al)
Major in Electrical conversion and power grids
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Power, Systems
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Electrical Engineering, Electronics
Major in image and signal processing, analysis and representation
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Artificial Intelligence, Signal and image processing
Major in Computer control architecture for embedded systems
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Automation, Embedded systems
Major in Advanced electrodynamics and mecatronics
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Electromechanical, Mechatronics
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Mathematics (Applied), Modeling
Major in Numerical and Mathematical Models
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Mathematics (Applied), Modeling
Major in Statistics and Mathematical Models
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Mathematics (Applied), Statistics
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Design, Mechanical
Major in Mechanical Engineering
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Design, Mechanical
Major in System Engineering
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Mechatronics, Systems
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Mathematics (Applied), Networks (Computer)
Major in Infrastructure Big Data and IoT
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Cloud computing, Internet
Major in Image and Multimedia
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Computer graphics, Vision
Major in Software Science and Engineering
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Computing, Software engineering
Major in Telecommunication systems and network
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Radio communications and mobile, Telecommunications
Major in Embedded systems and critical IoT
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Embedded systems, Networks (Computer)
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Aeronautical, Aerospace
Major in Embedded Systems and Telecommunications (SET)
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Embedded systems, Telecommunications
Major in Mechatronic Systems (SM)
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Artificial Intelligence, Mechatronics
Major in Energetics and Propulsion (EP)
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Energetics, Motor
Major in Mechanics and Structures (MS)
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
CAD, Materials
Major in Space, Launchers and Satellites (ELS)
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Astrophysics, Satellite
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Chemical Engineering, Process / Processing
Major in - Process Engineering for Energy and Environment
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Energy, Petroleum
Major in - Innovative Products: from Chemistry to Process
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Nanomaterials, Product / Production
Major in - Bioprocess Engineering
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Bioprocessing, Biotechnology
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Engineering, Transport
Major in Aeronautical engineering
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Aeronautical, Aircraft
Master n+ in 2 years
Aerospace, Satellite
Major in Guided Transport engineering
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Engineering, Transport
Major in Automotive engineering
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Automotive, Mechanical
Master n+ in 2 years
Engineering, Maritime / Marine
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Biochemistry, Biomolecular, Bioprocessing, Biotechnology
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Informatics - Computer Science, IT.Information tech/eng
Master n+ in 2 years
Artificial Intelligence, Big data
Master n+ in 2 years
Cyber security, Software engineering
Master n+ in 2 years
Electrical Engineering, Smart Cities
Master n+ in 2 years
Automotive, Embedded systems
Major in Intelligent Communication Systems
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
IT.Information tech/eng, Telecommunications
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Fabrication, Materials, Mechanical, Mechatronics
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Industrial, Mechanical
Major in Mechanical Engineering
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Biomechanical, Process / Processing
Major in Industrial Engineering
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Design, Logistics
Major in Energetics
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Control, Fluid mechanics
Major in Materials
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Composites, Materials
Major in Formulation: manufacture of divided solids
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Fabrication, Product / Production
Major in Life Sciences and biotechnology
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Health, Microbiology
Major in Process engineering
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Process / Processing, Sustainable Development
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Chemical Engineering, Chemistry
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Electronics, Telecommunications
Major in Software design and Big Data
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Electronics, Microelectronics
Major in Image, Modeling and Computing
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Computer graphics, Signal and image processing
Major in Networks and telecommunications
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Networks (Computer), Telecommunications
Major in Service robotics
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Embedded systems, Robotics
Major in Electrical engineering and embedded systems
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Distributed Information systems, Informatics - Computer Science
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Aeronautical, Chemistry, Materials, Mechanical
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
CAD, CAM, Mechanical, Modeling
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Control, Electrical Engineering, Embedded systems, Mechatronics
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Optics, Optoelectronics
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Ecology, Innovative products, materials
Major in Garment industry
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Major in Sustainable textile products and production
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Sustainable Development, Textile
Major in Technical textiles and treatments
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Innovative products, materials, Textile
Major in Technical Textiles Master n+i Textile
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
Composites, Plastics / Polymer
Major in Fashion and Services Master n+i Textile
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master n+ in 2 years
E-business/com., Strategic Management
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master i in 2 years
Informatics - Computer Science, IT.Information tech/eng
Major in Data Science
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master i in 2 years
Artificial Intelligence, Big data
Major in Digital Security
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master i in 2 years
Cyber security, Networks (Computer)
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master i in 2 years
Business Intelligence, Data mining, Nanomaterials, Optimisation
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master i in 2 years
Electrical Engineering, Information
Major in Network and telecom
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master i in 2 years
Networks (Computer), Telecommunications
Major in Astronomical and space-based systems engineering
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master i in 2 years
Aerospace, Instrumentation
Major in Medical imaging
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master i in 2 years
Instrumentation, Medical imaging
Major in Electrical energy systems
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master i in 2 years
Electrical Engineering, Energy
Major in Embedded systems and information processing
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master i in 2 years
Embedded systems, Information
Major in Nanodevices and nanotechnologies
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master i in 2 years
Nanomaterials, Nanosciences
Major in Computer engineering
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master i in 2 years
Embedded systems, Software engineering
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master i in 2 years
Circuit, Electrical Engineering
Major in Devices and antennas for telecommunications
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master i in 2 years
Microwave, Optoelectronics
Major in Electronic systems for telecommunications
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master i in 2 years
Design, Microwave
Major in Electronic systems for integrated sensors
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master i in 2 years
Design, Technology
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master i in 2 years
Electronics, Embedded systems, Signal and image processing, Telecommunications
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master i in 2 years
Biomechanical, Biomedical, Health, Medical imaging
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master i in 2 years
Energy, Ergonomics, Safety, Transport
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master i in 2 years
Fabrication, Mechatronics
Major in Mechatronics, Fabrication Processes, Microtechnologies
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master i in 2 years
Fabrication, Mechatronics
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master i in 2 years
Control, Embedded systems
Major in Control, Signal and Image
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master i in 2 years
Signal and image processing, Transport
Major in Embedded Systems
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master i in 2 years
IT.Information tech/eng, Networks (Computer)
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master i in 2 years
Chemical Engineering, Fluid mechanics, Process / Processing, Simulation
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master i in 2 years
Computing, Finance, Mathematics (Applied), Simulation
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master i in 2 years
Materials, Mechanical
Major in Mechanical Design, Materials and Microsystems
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master i in 2 years
Materials, Mechanical
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master i in 2 years
Engineering, Technology
Major in Actuarial science - Risk Management
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master i in 2 years
Finance, Statistics
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master i in 2 years
Big data, Cloud computing, Data mining, Data Warehouse
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master i in 2 years
Big data, Statistics
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master i in 2 years
Control, Mechatronics
Major in Advanced power Electronics
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master i in 2 years
Major in Electrodynamics and Mechatronics
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master i in 2 years
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master i in 2 years
Chemical Engineering, Environment(al), Sustainable Development, Water
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master i in 2 years
Artificial Intelligence, Big data, Informatics - Computer Science
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master i in 2 years
Engineering, Networks (Computer)
Major in Internet of Things
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master i in 2 years
Embedded systems, IT.Information tech/eng
Major in Intelligent Communication Systems
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master i in 2 years
Electrical Engineering, Telecommunications
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master i in 2 years
Automotive, Materials, Mechanical, Transport
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master i in 2 years
Building Materials, Civil Engineering, Construction, Sustainable Development
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master i in 2 years
Automation, Industrial, Manufacturing, Product / Production
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master i in 2 years
Composites, Design, Materials, Sustainable Development
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master i in 2 years
Energy, Mechanical
Major in Mechanical engineering
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master i in 2 years
Materials, Robotics
Master i in 2 years
Energetics, Sustainable Development
Major in Industrial engineering
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master i in 2 years
Design, Product / Production
Major in Biomedical engineering
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master i in 2 years
Biomechanical, Biomedical
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master i in 2 years
Electrical Engineering, Internet, Networks (Computer), Radio communications and mobile
Requirements: Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master i in 2 years
Electronics, Radio communications and mobile, Satellite, Telecommunications
Requirements: Master (or equivalent)
Post Master in 1 year
Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry
Requirements: Master (or equivalent)
Post Master in 1 year
Environment(al), Health, Quality, Safety
Requirements: Master (or equivalent)
Post Master in 1 year
Aerodynamics, Automotive, Embedded systems, Optimisation
Requirements: Master (or equivalent)
Post Master in 1 year
Artificial Intelligence, Big data, Cloud computing, Internet
Requirements: Master (or equivalent)
Post Master in 1 year
Health, Risk, Safety, Security
Requirements: Master (or equivalent)
Post Master in 1 year
Building, Energy, Sustainable Development, Thermal transfer
Requirements: Master (or equivalent)
Post Master in 1 year
Civil Engineering, Construction, Geotechnics, Materials
Requirements: Master (or equivalent)
Post Master in 1 year
Knowledge Management, Quality, Safety
Requirements: Master (or equivalent)
Post Master in 1 year
Major in International projects
Requirements: Master (or equivalent)
Post Master in 1 year
Strategic Management
Major in Sustainable constructions
Requirements: Master (or equivalent)
Post Master in 1 year
Sustainable Development
Major in Railway, urban transportation and innovative mobilities
Requirements: Master (or equivalent)
Post Master in 1 year
Innovative products, materials
Major in BIM
Requirements: Master (or equivalent)
Post Master in 1 year
Requirements: Master (or equivalent)
Post Master in 1 year
Cyber security, Data privacy (law and security technologies), Information, Security
Requirements: Master (or equivalent)
Post Master in 1 year
Engineering, Informatics - Computer Science, IT.Information tech/eng, Security
Requirements: Master (or equivalent)
Post Master in 1 year
Big data, Business Intelligence, Cloud computing, Informatics - Computer Science
Requirements: Master (or equivalent)
Post Master in 1 year
Economics and business Engineering, IT.Information tech/eng, Knowledge Management, Software engineering
Requirements: Master (or equivalent)
Post Master in 1 year
Cyber security, Networks (Computer), Security, Systems
Requirements: Master (or equivalent)
Post Master in 1 year
Innovation Management, Strategic Management
Post Master in 1 year
Economics and business Engineering, Strategic Management
Post Master in 1 year
Innovation Management, Strategic Management
Major in International business
Requirements: Master (or equivalent)
Post Master in 1 year
Economics and business Engineering, Strategic Management
Major in Industrial leadership
Requirements: Master (or equivalent)
Post Master in 1 year
Industrial, Technology
Post Master in 1 year
IT.Information tech/eng, Strategic Management
Major in Enterprise Resource Planning
Requirements: Master (or equivalent)
Post Master in 1 year
Innovation Management, Strategic Management
Requirements: Master (or equivalent)
Post Master in 1 year
Building Materials, Construction, Environment(al), Sustainable Development
Requirements: Master (or equivalent)
Post Master in 1 year
Information, Knowledge Management, Safety, Strategic Management
Short program
Engineering, Environment(al), Sustainable Development, Urban
Short program
Construction, Smart Cities, Sustainable Development, Wastes
Short program
Electrical Engineering, Engineering, Robotics, Software engineering
Short program
Construction, Innovation Management, Smart Cities, Sustainable Development
Short program
Control, Embedded systems, Informatics - Computer Science, Mechatronics, Robotics
Short program
Aerodynamics, Aeronautical, Aerospace, Aircraft
Short program
Civil Engineering, Sustainable Development, Technology
Short program
Ecology, Energy, Sustainable Development, Water
Short program
Aerodynamics, Fluid mechanics, Mathematics (Applied), Simulation
Short program
Biotechnology, Engineering
Short program
Fabrication, Food Formulation, Innovative products, materials, Product / Production
Short program
Artificial Intelligence, Big data
Short program
Artificial Intelligence, Computer graphics, Data mining, Optimisation