
Official title: Master Degree in automatic control and electronics

INSA Toulouse

Training duration

2 years

Average academic cost found without insurance

6 997€


Accreditation Provider: CTI

Prerequisite of the training

Bachelor (or equivalent)

Formation type

  • Initial education


  • Engineering, Embedded systems, Electronics, Control

M1 section is taught by

  • INSA Toulouse

M2 section is taught by

  • NSA Toulouse

Training description

The Automatic control-Electronics engineering course focuses on the concepts, methods and techniques of automatic control and also develops the competences required to design the implementation of methods and techniques for real-time control and electronic circuit design. Two major topics are developed: automatic control systems, electronic and micro-electronic systems with their associated IT techniques. An important aspect of the specificity of A-E engineers and of the course itself is the demonstration of how the integration of the three disciplines, Automatic control, Electronics and Computer science makes it possible to meet the needs and demands of industry in the context of complex systems.
It provides
Cross-disciplinary competences: capacity to manage the economic, financial, human, organisational and technical aspects of a project in the sphere of activity of a generalist engineer for the:
Design and Management of automatic systems: including the systems theory and the techniques of electronics: logic and analog circuits, electronics of power, optoelectronics, micro-electronics. Moreover, sound training in the basic computer techniques stressing Real-Time for control reinforces the ability to design and implement automatic systems.
Development of integrated automatic systems: today, whatever the sphere of activity, a large number of tasks require, in what is called a "systems approach", the integration of varied concepts and techniques. The piloting of simple or complex industrial systems passes in general by the knowledge of the process, the design of efficient control rules, the command of electronic tools and digital calculators, making it possible to manage and enable communication between the various components of the system. This requires a generalist engineering course at the crossroads of the three disciplines: automatic control, electronics and computer science.

In addition to the general competences of computer engineers able to work in all sectors of activity, the course leads to two different engineering profiles, depending on the specialization chosen in the final year:

Electronic Systems: Capacity to design, produce and implement electronic or micro-electronic devices (cards, chips,?) using the concepts of integration (embedded electronic systems, communicating sensors or micro-systems)
Real Time and Systems: Capacity to design, produce and implement estimation systems, monitoring, diagnosis, real-time advanced control taking into account critical time constraints and safety as for all embedded systems.

The Automatic control-Electronics engineering course focuses on the concepts, methods and techniques of automatic control and also develops the competences required to design the implementation of methods and techniques for real-time control and electronic circuit design. Two major topics are developed: automatic control systems, electronic and micro-electronic systems with their associated IT techniques. An important aspect of the specificity of A-E engineers and of the course itself is the demonstration of how the integration of the three disciplines, Automatic control, Electronics and Computer science makes it possible to meet the needs and demands of industry in the context of complex systems.
It provides
Cross-disciplinary competences: capacity to manage the economic, financial, human, organisational and technical aspects of a project in the sphere of activity of a generalist engineer for the:
Design and Management of automatic systems: including the systems theory and the techniques of electronics: logic and analog circuits, electronics of power, optoelectronics, micro-electronics. Moreover, sound training in the basic computer techniques stressing Real-Time for control reinforces the ability to design and implement automatic systems.
Development of integrated automatic systems: today, whatever the sphere of activity, a large number of tasks require, in what is called a "systems approach", the integration of varied concepts and techniques. The piloting of simple or complex industrial systems passes in general by the knowledge of the process, the design of efficient control rules, the command of electronic tools and digital calculators, making it possible to manage and enable communication between the various components of the system. This requires a generalist engineering course at the crossroads of the three disciplines: automatic control, electronics and computer science.

In addition to the general competences of computer engineers able to work in all sectors of activity, the course leads to two different engineering profiles, depending on the specialization chosen in the final year:

Electronic Systems: Capacity to design, produce and implement electronic or micro-electronic devices (cards, chips,?) using the concepts of integration (embedded electronic systems, communicating sensors or micro-systems)
Real Time and Systems: Capacity to design, produce and implement estimation systems, monitoring, diagnosis, real-time advanced control taking into account critical time constraints and safety as for all embedded systems.

Scolarships (Subject to the school offer)

Year 1:

eiffel, cumex, egide

Year 2:

eiffel, cumex, egide

Major in Embedded Electronics

Language level prerequisites

The minimum language level required, namely : A2 in French and B2 in English will be verified no later than end of April, 2025 (to be confirmed in your academic offer)

Course language

Only French

Language requirement to graduate

French B2
English B2

M1 Part


INSA Toulouse
135, avenue de Rangueil
31077 Toulouse cedex 4

Average academic cost found without insurance



Credits Hours Language
Digital signal acquisition architectures and Computed controlled systems 4.00 90.00 French
Informatique matérielle 7.00 88.00 French
Communicating within organizationsin foreign languages Level 1 4.00 75.00 other

Embedded Electronics

Credits Hours Language
Device modeling and digital circuit architectures 4.00 90.00 French
Analog electronic system architecture 4.00 55.00 French
Complex system analyses 4.00 88.00 French


Credits Hours Language
Computer science 6.00 88.00 French
Research project 3.00 115.00 French
management 4.00 85.00 French
Systems architectinG 4.00 107.00 French
Requirement engineering 3.00 81.00 French
Discrete event systems and Optimization 4.00 48.00 French

Embedded Electronics

Credits Hours Language
Energy management for embedded systems 3.00 60.00 French
Practical Work in ControL 3.00 35.00 French
Optimisation Systèmes discrets et continus 5.00 113.00 French

M2 Part


NSA Toulouse
135, avenue de Rangueil
31077 Toulouse cedex 4

Average academic cost found without insurance


Embedded Electronics

Credits Hours Language
Choose 1 option(s) in 2
electronics and enbedded systems 30.00 0.00 French
critical embedded systems 30.00 0.00 French


Credits Hours Language
TRAINING PERIOD 30.00 0.00 English

Major in System Engineering

Language level prerequisites

The minimum language level required, namely : A2 in French and B2 in English will be verified no later than end of April, 2025 (to be confirmed in your academic offer)

Course language

Only French

Language requirement to graduate

French B2
English B2

M1 Part


INSA Toulouse
135, avenue de Rangueil
31077 Toulouse cedex 4

Average academic cost found without insurance



Credits Hours Language
Digital signal acquisition architectures and Computed controlled systems 4.00 90.00 French
Informatique matérielle 7.00 88.00 French
Communicating within organizationsin foreign languages Level 1 4.00 75.00 other

System Engineering

Credits Hours Language
Power systems and instrumentation 7.00 142.00 French
Modelling of multi-physics systems 5.00 100.00 French


Credits Hours Language
Computer science 6.00 88.00 French
Research project 3.00 115.00 French
management 4.00 85.00 French
Systems architectinG 4.00 107.00 French
Requirement engineering 3.00 81.00 French
Discrete event systems and Optimization 4.00 48.00 French

System Engineering

Credits Hours Language
Requirement engineering 3.00 81.00 French
Discrete event systems and Optimization 4.00 48.00 French
Systems architecting 4.00 107.00 French

M2 Part


NSA Toulouse
135, avenue de Rangueil
31077 Toulouse cedex 4

Average academic cost found without insurance


System Engineering

Credits Hours Language
Management of risks, dependability and quality 6.00 0.00 French
industrialisation 5.00 0.00 French
Advanced design 6.00 0.00 French
management 3.00 0.00 French
human resources and others 6.00 0.00 French
Choose 1 option(s) in 2
design methodologies of systems on chip 4.00 0.00 French
heat engines and processes 4.00 0.00 French


Credits Hours Language
TRAINING PERIOD 30.00 0.00 English