Why choose France ?
In today's world, a Master's degree and proficiency in English are run of the mill. A master's is an “ordinary” qualification. There's no need to go abroad just to study for a master's.
Student mobility should be an opportunity to supplement knowledge, learn a new language, discover up and coming technologies, obtain high quality training and above all, offer cultural diversity to future managers.
"n+i" is the best way to prepare to play a key role in a global world.
The Network "n+i", the largest engineering school network in France, is for those who are aiming for such a career.
To come to France is to come to Europe. Travel to 26 countries members of of the Schengen area (European area of free movement without border controls) for leisure, study, work, or interning.

France's particularly rich cultural heritage is renowned throughout the world. This is an opportunity to visit famous landmarks such as Paris, Versailles, Mont Saint-Michel, chateaux etc., not to mention the culture, architecture and traditions, museums and lifestyle (cuisine, fashion, bistrots) of provincial France.
France is recognised for the excellence of the training offered in its high-standing postgraduate Engineering Institutes (Grandes Ecoles d’ingénieur), as these combine solid scientific background with practical engineering experience.
The role played by companies during student training contributes to preparing engineers for the workplace by introducing them to real life conditions through internships and projects.

France, the fifth largest economy in the world, plays a major role in the European Union and in the world as a whole.
For several decades now, France has been at the forefront of technological prowess in all sectors: (Danone), automobile (Renault, Michelin), aerospace(Airbus, Dassault), Electronic (Thalès, Thomson).
French is the fifth most spoken language with 274 million speakers in the world and by 57 member countries of l’Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF).
France, the fifth largest economy in the world, plays a major role in the European Union and in the world as a whole, especially in the 57 French-speaking countries members of the Francophonie network.