
Replay of the open day webinar on March 6, 2025

Enregistrement du webinaire portes ouvertes n+i du 11 octobre 2024

N+i videos

Rendez-vous n+i : Sciences & technologies for Sports and Olympic games in Paris (2019 edition)

An n+i student's journey (TV5 Monde)

What is a "Grande école"

Testimony from n+i alumni Behrooz (French version)

Master class Sustainable Development in Paris

Welcome in France with Network "n+i"

Full assistance for studies in France with Network n+i

Daniela, student from USA in foundation year

Mexican student from Instituto Politecnico Nacional (IPN)

Student's testimonies

Hungarian student from BME University

Chinese student from Xi'an Jiaotong Univ.

Chinese student from Shanghai Jiaotong Univ.

Chinese student who studied at ENSAM

Chinese student from Soochow University

Rendez-vous n+i : Sciences & technologies for Sports and Olympic games in Paris (2019 edition)

Mexican student from Instituto Tecnologico de Oaxaca

Testimony from n+i alumni Behrooz (persian version)

Testimony from n+i alumni Behrooz (French version)

Testimony from Carlos Alexis student from Chili

Testimony from Rita student from Egypt and Nan student from China

Chinese student from Harbin (french version)

Chinese student from Harbin (chinese version)

Testimony from Junjie student from China

Testimony from Jason student from Colombia

Testimony from Plinio student from Italy

Testimony from Qian student from China

Colombian student who studied in ENSAM

Master class Sustainable Development in Paris

Testimony from Catalina student from Colombia

Testimony from Azamat student from Kazakhstan

Promotional documents


Here you will find additional information about "n+i" and the way the network is run.

Flyer: PreMaster, 3-year's Master degree

Flyer: Study engineering in France with "n+i"


Poster: Study engineering in France with "n+i"

Poster: Study engineering in France with "n+i"

Book: 15th anniversary of "n+i"

n+i at a glance (English)

n+i at a glance (Chinese)

n+i at a glance (Spanish)