Requirements: Degree of Secondary Education
Big data, Design, Informatics - Computer Science, Mathematics (Applied)
Requirements: Degree of Secondary Education
Artificial Intelligence, Big data, Informatics - Computer Science
Requirements: Degree of Secondary Education
Engineering Degree (master grade) in 5 years
Electrical Engineering, IT.Information tech/eng
Requirements: Degree of Secondary Education
Engineering Degree (master grade) in 5 years
Artificial Intelligence, IT.Information tech/eng
Requirements: Degree of Secondary Education
Engineering Degree (master grade) in 5 years
Artificial Intelligence, Big data, Informatics - Computer Science
Requirements: before a Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master in 3 years
Biotechnology, Health
Requirements: before a Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master in 3 years
Networks (Computer), Telecommunications
Major in Internet of things IOT
Requirements: before a Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master in 3 years
Electrical Engineering, IT.Information tech/eng
Major in Embbeded Systems SEM
Requirements: before a Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master in 3 years
Automotive, Embedded systems
Major in Digital Security SEC
Requirements: before a Bachelor (or equivalent)
Master in 3 years
Informatics - Computer Science, Security