A summer course
PIL is a summer course (between July and September) of French lessons for non-French natives run by specialized organisations.
The level of language (French or English) required before the beginning of the training is indicated in the description of each training (see Find a program). This is a condition for definitive admission to the Master.
Also are organised: cultural activities during the stay, and a help is provided to open a bank account.
In general, a B2 level is requested in the language used for the training (French or English) in Master programmes. The PIL (or even the Extended PIL) was created to help students reach the right level.
The French language
In the vast majority of cases, for training in science, technology and engineering taught in French, it is requested to justify a minimum level A2 as of 1 April.
The PIL (to French), which begins in mid-July, reaches the B1 level in September before the start of the master's course. The PIM package is then needed to complete his/her integration and reach the level of French B2 required to follow the courses with French students.
Advice: Begin French lessons before your arrival in France to show your motivation to study in France and give yourself every chance of succeeding.
The English language
For training courses taught in English it is requested to justify a minimum level B1 as of April 1st.
The PIL (to English) starts in mid-July and reaches B2 in September before the start of the master course.
Attention even for the trainings taught in English it will be asked, to obtain the degree a minimum level of French B1.
PIL that make progress in both languages (English and French) are possible.
All "n+i" PIL centers are certified "FLE quality" and follow specifications required by Network n+i.
During this course, students will stay with families to boost their knowledge of the French language and culture.
For reservations accommodation during the PIL, we ask students to deposit the average cost of housing before their arrival (see Housing in France).