
Official title: Cnam Master degree in Engineering - Energy Efficiency specialization


Training duration

2 years

Average academic cost found without insurance

18 644€


Accreditation Provider: CTI

Prerequisite of the training

Bachelor (or equivalent)

Formation type

  • Apprenticeship


  • Engineering, Energy, Energetics, Environment(al)

M1 section is taught by

  • ITII Normandie

M2 section is taught by

  • ITII Normandie

Information on apprenticeship

As part of the work/study course, the training costs are the responsibility of the company signing the contract. Note that access to the work/study course is only for candidates under 30 years old.

Activity fields :
The graduates will work in companies which will be linked to fields such as chemistry (pharmaceutical companies, cosmetics), food industry, building,environment,electrothecnic,materials,mechanics, energetics, industrial performance and production.
Type of activities :

The professional works in a department linked to engineering, technical studies and advice, project management, business management.
He also takes the lead concerning projects.
You can find him/her in production units, exploitation, maintenance, trials, quality , and product safety.

More details

Cnam Master degree in Engineering - Energy Efficiency specialization

Language level prerequisites

The minimum language level required, namely : A2 in French and A2 in English will be verified no later than end of April, 2025 (to be confirmed in your academic offer)

Course language

Only French

Language requirement to graduate

French B2
English B2

The validation of a B2 level in english and in french will be obtained thanks to an external evaluation by a recognized language test in the professional or academic environment. The list of tests recognized by the school is provided in the academic regulations.

M1 Part


ITII Normandie
Campus de l'espace
1 avenue Hubert Curien
27200 Vernon

Average academic cost found without insurance



Credits Hours Language
Industrial Science and IT 4 (Signal treatment, Energy Conversion – Electronic Power – Network, Lighting, Energy Auditing) 7.00 124.00 French
Industrial Science and IT5 (Convective transfer and thermal exchanger, Cooling machines, Thermal regulation for buildings, Material) 7.00 128.00 French
Management and Society 3 (Project Management, Mission and rôle of the manager, Health and safety rules in companies, English) 6.00 100.00 French
Company follow up (during company period) 10.00 French


Credits Hours Language
Industrial Science and IT 6 (Modélisation mathématiques et numériques pour les sciences de l'ingénieur, Instrumentation et mesures, Bilan Carbone, Devenir Référent Energie dans l'Industrie) 6.00 96.00 French
Industrial Science and IT 7 (Air humide et Traitement de l'air, TP Machines thermiques, Thermique du bâtiment et réglementation) 6.00 104.00 French
Management and Society 4 (Project management, Work contracts, English) 3.00 56.00 French
Organisation and management mission (company period) 15.00 French

M2 Part


ITII Normandie
Campus de l'espace
1 avenue Hubert Curien
27200 Vernon

Average academic cost found without insurance



Credits Hours Language
3-month Internship (M9 study, company period) 10.00 0.00 French
Management and society 5 (Project management, Setting up a company (notion), English) 4.00 60.00 French
Energy efficiency course (Energy, climat, rules and regulations) – Technical studies, Technical visits – Efficient use of heating resources on an average temperature, Efficient use of biomass and industrial waste, Industrial maintenance, Heat Combustion a 16.00 304.00 French


Credits Hours Language
End of course project 30.00 0.00 French