Training description
The M1 is characterized by a broad-spectrum and a wide variety of training courses given. Its target is to give to the students strong bases in all the following fields resulting from IST : automatic control, energy, electronics, computer engineering and signal and image processing. The purpose is to enable students to comprehend the interplays between these fields.
Major in Network and telecom:
The program trains engineers of Telecom/networks who cover many activities linked to the deployment of new network technologies and to the exploitation and extension of an existing network. Teachings have a transverse character around 4 main topics: numerical telecommunications and electronic systems, architecture and network services, the engineering of the networks that cover their conception, their management, their security, distributed applications and multimedia as well as a general teaching in languages, expression, project management and rights of telecommunications.
Major in Astronomical and space-based systems engineering:
The program provides a wild knowhow to achieve big spatial tools on the ground and to design and development of systems of acquisition, treatment and data analysis. It proposes a very high level training in the very high technical fields, in very tight contact with industrial world, national agencies and international ones (CNES, ONERA, ESA, ESO) and research labs.
Major in Medical imaging:
This training has an inter-disciplinary character linked to the presence of doctors and physicians of the matter in medical physics. It provides: A basic training of all the medical imaging methods (X-rays, ultrasounds, radioactive tracers, magnetic resonance imaging or MRI, electrical and magnetic methods), A training of theories and methods of images and data extraction, A training of mathematics models enabling to deduct a functional analysis report or a metabolic one from a physical parameter. The optional teaching includes main applications of medical imaging.
Major in Electrical energy systems:
To award a multidisciplinary bivalent training in the field of energy production and renewable energies, both in engineering of electrical energy (production, transport, distribution, storage, materials, power systems and grids) and in physics (new and ionic energies).
Major in Embedded systems and information processing:
The program provides a high level training on embedded systems design, computer engineering systems and electronics systems aiming towards the implementation of applications of image and signal processing. The training includes specific issues concerning the aspects of systems implementation such as softwares, hardwares or application projects
Major in Computer engineering:
The program provides a high level training on embedded systems design, computer engineering systems and electronics systems aiming towards the implementation of applications of image and signal processing. The training includes specific issues concerning the aspects of systems implementation such as softwares, hardwares or application projects.
Major in Nanodevices and nanotechnologies:
Revolving around four topics: nanophysics, nanochemistry, nanodevices and nanotechnologies, and international track in nanosciences, the training curriculum is supported by various laboratories applying an experimental approach with very-high-quality standards.