
Proposed by Groupe INSA member of Network "n+i"

Domains: BiochemistrySustainable DevelopmentProcess / ProcessingBiotechnology
Duration: 3 weeks
Available language:
Required french level: Aucun
Required english level: B1
Required level of studies: licence/bachelor
Nature of certification: ECTS

 INSA Toulouse, 135 avenue de Rangueil 31400 Toulouse

Training description

Biorefineries and, nowadays, more broadly, the bio-economy concepts propose interesting approaches to produce commodity products by finding alternative solutions from conventional petrochemical routes.

The bioeconomy has been identified as a major theme at European and International levels for the development of processes and products using less fossil carbon.

The European Commission defines the bio-economy as "an economy that encompasses the production of renewable biological resources and their conversion into products for human food and animal feed, bio-based products and bioenergy through efficient and innovative technologies "(definition EFIB2017).

Therefore, the value chain in bio-economy requires complementary multidisciplinary skills combining economics, biotechnology, green chemistry, and life cycle analysis, process innovation for intensive and eco-engineered bioprocesses.

INSA Toulouse

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