
Titre officiel : Diplome d'Ingénieur de l Institut Polytechnique de Bordeaux-ENSTBB


Durée de la formation

3 ans

Coût académique moyen constaté hors assurance

11 310€


Organisme d'accréditation: CTI

Prérequis de la formation

avant la Licence (ou équivalent)

Type de formation

  • Formation initiale


  • Biotechnology, Bioprocessing, Biomolecular, Biochemistry

La section L3 est enseignée par

  • ENSTBB/Bordeaux INP/Université de Bordeaux

La section M1 est enseignée par

  • ENSTBB/Bordeaux INP/Université de Bordeaux

La section M2 est enseignée par

  • ENSTBB/Bordeaux INP/Université de Bordeaux

Description de la formation

Created in 1993, ENSTBB is a graduate School of Biotechnology and Bioprocessing funded by the French Ministry in charge of higher education and research. Its goal is to educate and train advanced students and to provide professional training and resources for industry and conduct innovative research.
ENSTBB integrates three years training with courses, practical and internships in biotech and biopharm companies around the world. ENSTBB is judged by The French Pharmaceutical Companies Association (LEEM) as the first Graduate School of Biotechnology and Bioprocessing.
The “n+I” students join the French students in the second year of the program which is M1 for us.
ENSTBB practises interdisciplinary approach integrating molecular and cell biology with process engineering and management to preparing top-quality individuals for leadership in Biotech-Biopharmindustry.
you will perform 4-5 months of internship in biopharm-biotech company (may september)

Created in 1993, ENSTBB is a graduate School of Biotechnology and Bioprocessing funded by the French Ministry in charge of higher education and research. Its goal is to educate and train advanced students and to provide professional training and resources for industry and conduct innovative research.
ENSTBB integrates three years training with courses, practical and internships in biotech and biopharm companies around the world. ENSTBB is judged by The French Pharmaceutical Companies Association (LEEM) as the first Graduate School of Biotechnology and Bioprocessing.
The “n+I” students join the French students in the second year of the program which is M1 for us.
ENSTBB practises interdisciplinary approach integrating molecular and cell biology with process engineering and management to preparing top-quality individuals for leadership in Biotech-Biopharmindustry.
you will perform 4-5 months of internship in biopharm-biotech company (may september)

you practise interdisciplinary fields in process engineering and management to preparing top-quality individuals for leadership in Biotech-Biopharmindustry.
You finish your M2 with 6 months internship in Biopharm -Biotech company (mars-august)

Diplome d'Ingénieur de l Institut Polytechnique de Bordeaux-ENSTBB

Prérequis du niveau de langue

B2 en Français, Si non atteint un parcours réussite adéquat sera imposé: foundation year et/ou PIL (sera précisé dans votre offre académique)

Langue d'enseignement

Seulement en français

Niveau de langue à obtenir

Français B2

Partie B3


ENSTBB/Bordeaux INP/Université de Bordeaux
ENSTBB/Bordeaux INP/Université de Bordeaux/146 rue Léo Saignat/33076 Bordeaux cedex

Coût académique moyen constaté hors assurance



Crédits Heures Langue
UE BLOCK 1 Fundamental Concepts in Biology 6.00 68.00 Français
UE BLOCK 2 Applied Biotechnology Sciences 5.00 54.00 Français
UE BLOCK 3 Calculation and programming tools 5.00 58.00 Français
UE BLOCK 4 Processes and modelisation 5.00 52.00 Français
UE BLOCK 5 Technical expertises 5.00 78.00 Français
UE BLOCK 6 Engineer's general culture 4.00 54.00 Français


Crédits Heures Langue
UE BLOCK 1 Fundamental Concepts in Biology 5.00 55.00 Français
UE BLOCK 2 Applied Biotechnology Sciences 4.00 38.00 Français
UE BLOCK 3 Calculation and programming tools 4.00 43.00 Français
UE BLOCK 4 Biotechnology and bioprocess modeling tools for automation 5.00 68.00 Français
UE BLOCK 5 Technical Expertises 5.00 78.00 Français
UE BLOCK 6 Engineer's general culture 6.00 70.00 Français
UE Internship (FISE) / Work-study program (FISEA) 1.00 Français

Partie M1


ENSTBB/Bordeaux INP/Université de Bordeaux
ENSTBB/Bordeaux INP/Université de Bordeaux/146 rue Léo Saignat/33076 Bordeaux cedex

Coût académique moyen constaté hors assurance



Crédits Heures Langue
UE BLOCK 1 – Fundamental Concepts in Biology 3.00 34.00 Français
UE BLOCK 2 Applied Biotechnology Sciences 3.00 40.00 Français
UE BLOCK 3 – Calculation and programming tools 4.00 76.00 Français
UE BLOCK 4 – Processes and modelisation 6.00 64.00 Français
UE BLOCK 5 – Technical expertises (2 choices/3) 7.00 112.00 Français
UE BLOCK 6 – Engineer's general culture 7.00 110.50 Français


Crédits Heures Langue
UE BLOCK 1 Fundamental Concepts in Biology 3.00 38.00 Français
UE BLOCK 2 Applied Biotechnology Sciences 8.00 87.00 Français
UE BLOCK 4 – Processes and modelisation 5.00 58.50 Français
UE BLOCK 5 – Technical expertises (2 choices/3) 6.00 95.00 Français
UE BLOCK 6 – Engineer's general culture 8.00 94.00 Français

Partie M2


ENSTBB/Bordeaux INP/Université de Bordeaux
ENSTBB/Bordeaux INP/Université de Bordeaux/146 rue Léo Saignat/33076 Bordeaux cedex

Coût académique moyen constaté hors assurance



Crédits Heures Langue
UE BLOCK 1 Fundamental Concepts in Biology 5.00 52.00 Français
UE BLOCK 2 Applied Biotechnology Sciences 5.00 62.00 Français
UE BLOCK 3 – Calculation and programming tools 3.00 30.00 Français
UE BLOCK 4 – Processes and modelisation 2.00 20.00 Français
UE BLOCK 5 – Technical expertises 3.00 40.00 Français
UE BLOCK 6 – Engineer's general culture 12.00 221.00 Français


Crédits Heures Langue
Internship: Graduation Project 30.00 Français