Formation type
- Informatics - Computer Science, Data mining, Software engineering
M1 section is taught by
- Polytech'Nantes, la chantrerie, rue C. Pauc, 44306 Nantes cedex 03
M2 section is taught by
- Polytech'Nantes, La Chantrerie, rue C. Pauc, 44306, Nantes cedex 03
Training description
The main function of engineers in Computer Science is to design strategic or operational information systems enabling them to realise the needs of companies and implement the computer solutions which have been developed. These solutions may include obtaining, transforming, storing, manipulating, communicating, visualising basic information and data generated on a daily basis by businesses (structured, semi-structured, textual and/or multimedia), as well as practical and strategic understanding - ensuring performance, reactivity, and long-lasting solutions for the enterprise. Skills in software engineering and project management allow one to analyse, conceive, develop and launch, in complete security, deliver and maintain applications or complex software tools that store and communicate information in databases, proprietary systems, servers, mobiles, etc.
For this last year, half of the first semester is dedicated to one specialization (system and network management or enteprise content management) and a research project with one of the research team associated to the computer science department.
Like other semesters, Humanities and professional issues modules aim to developping Managerial skill, allowing one to discuss with clients and their companies' departments, organise the work to be done by the development team, manage the budgets, and keep deadlines.
Last semester is dedicated to the training period, end of study placement in a professional environment (4 to 6 months)