
Official title: Wireless Embedded Technologies

Polytech Nantes

Training duration

2 years

Average academic cost found without insurance

11 300€


Accreditation Provider: DGESIP

Prerequisite of the training

Bachelor (or equivalent)

Formation type

  • Initial education


  • Technology, Transmission systems, Computing, Engineering

M1 section is taught by

  • UFR Sciences et Techniques

M2 section is taught by

  • Polytech' Nantes

Training description

The Master 1 EEA takes place at Nantes University and is taught only in French.
The Master's degree is a two-year degree. Students enroll for a two-semester program. A total of 60 ECTS must be validated to graduate. Equivalences can be considered (up to 15 ECTS) taking into account the student's previous experience (Master's and Bachelor's courses).
Applicants should earn a degree which validates at least a 4-year degree in higher education (i.e 240 ECTS) and should be in one of the following fields:
- computer science or engineering
- information technology
- telecommunications

Wireless Embedded Technologies

Language level prerequisites

The minimum language level required, namely : B2 in English will be verified no later than end of April, 2025 (to be confirmed in your academic offer)

Course language

Only English

Language requirement to graduate


M1 Part




UFR Sciences et Techniques
UFR Sciences et Techniques
2, rue de la Houssinière - BP 92208
44322 Nantes Cedex 3

Average academic cost found without insurance



Credits Hours Language
Asservissement continu et échantillonné 5.00 40.00 French
Génie Informatique 8.00 69.00 French
Traitement du Signal et de l'Information 5.00 48.00 French
Composants Electroniques Analogiques 4.00 36.00 French
Entreprise et communication 2.00 20.00 French
Anglais 1 2.00 17.00 French
Convertisseurs statiques de l'énergie électrique 4.00 37.00 French


Credits Hours Language
Commande et Modélisation des Machines Électriques 4.00 38.00 French
Système d'état 5.00 40.00 French
Hyperfréquence et CAO 5.00 50.00 French
Optoélectronique 5.00 44.00 French
Stage 10.00 French
Anglais 2 1.00 10.00 French

M2 Part


Polytech' Nantes
La chantrerie, rue C. Pauc, 44306 Nantes cedex 03

Average academic cost found without insurance



Credits Hours Language
Models and Tools 7.00 45.00 English
Signal Processing 5.00 30.00 English
echnologies for Connected Objects 5.00 30.00 English
Scientific publishing and Professionalization 5.00 30.00 English
Architecture and Design Methodologies 5.00 30.00 English
Innovative and Entrepreneurial Management 3.00 25.00 English


Credits Hours Language
Research internship 25.00 Fr or En
Embedded systems and software 5.00 30.00 English