INSA Toulouse, 135 avenue de Rangueil 31400 Toulouse
The general objectives are to acquire knowledge in the field of the measurement and data acquisition using computers and to determine the important parameters of a measurement chain.
This training is mainly focused on practical work.
Rendez-vous French Know how & Higher Education in Paris
Discover the French know-how & higher education in sciences & technologies Objective The objective of this exceptional event is to host a se
BIM for sustainable construction
Attend a three-week program in France to develop and enhance your knowledge of BIM for sustainable construction, the future of Smart Cities. Visit ou
Rendez-vous Aeronautics / Aerospace in Toulouse and Paris
Discover the French know-how in Aeronautics & Aerospace Who is eligible? Students in engineering and technology, over 18 years old. 1 week
Summer Program 2023 : Stem Cell and Genetic Engineering
The Summer Program is as much about having fun as it is about learning! New food products are developed and tested every day, then brou