
AvanThèse ABG

Our partner ABG proposes a workshop: AvanThèse to guide engineers students for their project of doctorate.

Association Bernard Gregory (ABG) was created in 1980 with the support of the French Ministry for Research to guide PhDs in their career development. It provides companies and laboratories with a platform to advertise their job vacancies as well as services to help recruit PhDs. It also offers support and training to help doctoral candidates prepare for their professional development.

However, its action is not limited to PhDs, universities and research organizations. Its audience has gradually expanded to include engineering schools. In particular, it offers their students a workshop to guide them in deciding whether or not to pursue a doctorate: AvanThèse.

This half-day workshop aims to guide participants in their reflection on their motivations to pursue a doctorate or not, while providing concrete answers to their questions about doctoral training and its added value for their career development: what, how and why to do a doctorate. It also includes the international (joint PhD degree) and industrial (CIFRE) dimension of the thesis.

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