
Titre officiel : Ingénieur Génie Mécanique-INSA Toulouse

INSA Toulouse

Durée de la formation

2 ans

Coût académique moyen constaté hors assurance

6 997€


Organisme d'accréditation: CTI

Prérequis de la formation

Licence (ou équivalent)

Type de formation

  • Formation initiale


  • Systems, Mechatronics, Mechanical, Design, Design, Mechanical

La section M1 est enseignée par

  • INSA Toulouse

La section M2 est enseignée par

  • INSA Toulouse

Description de la formation

The Mechanical Engineering programme highlights the complementarity of sciences and technologies. It has been built on several conceptual studies ending with today's industrial projects. It is renowned for its open minded character and industrial realism, enabling the engineer:
-to manage and lead development projects (overall design or detailed design)
-to treat system problems (manufacturing, production, integration and testing).

Through a global understanding of the complete process and industrial constraints (from requirements to operations), the engineer is able to work with mechanical systems, equipments, components or piece parts. His generalist profile allows him to adapt to any industrial area.

During his training, he will gain in-depth learning in one of the following subjects:
-Computer assisted design to develop structures and power transmission systems using design software.
-Design of energy transfer systems for the generation, transmission and conversion of energy.
-Design and engineering for project management in the industrialization of mechanical systems.
The Mechanical Engineering programme highlights the complementarity of sciences and technologies. It has been built on several conceptual studies ending with today's industrial projects. It is renowned for its open minded character and industrial realism, enabling the engineer:
-to manage and lead development projects (overall design or detailed design)
-to treat system problems (manufacturing, production, integration and testing).

Through a global understanding of the complete process and industrial constraints (from requirements to operations), the engineer is able to work with mechanical systems, equipments, components or piece parts. His generalist profile allows him to adapt to any industrial area.

During his training, he will gain in-depth learning in one of the following subjects:
-Computer assisted design to develop structures and power transmission systems using design software.
-Design of energy transfer systems for the generation, transmission and conversion of energy.
-Design and engineering for project management in the industrialization of mechanical systems.

Bourse (Sous réserve de sélection académique par l'école)

Année 1:

eiffel,cumex, egide

Année 2:

eiffel,cumex, egide

Majeure en Mechanical Engineering

Prérequis du niveau de langue


Langue d'enseignement

Seulement en français

Niveau de langue à obtenir

Français B2
Anglais B2


Partie M1


INSA Toulouse
135, avenue de Rangueil
31077 Toulouse cedex 4

Coût académique moyen constaté hors assurance


Mechanical Engineering

Crédits Heures Langue
Finite Elements Calcul 3.00 30.00 Français
Fabrication 3.00 40.00 Français
Automatic control and Mechanics of vibrations 6.00 100.00 Français
Power Transmission Case Study 5.00 80.00 Français
Communication 6.00 75.00 Français
Elective course and Sports 4.00 60.00 Français
Choisissez 1 option(s) dans 3
Cutting theory 3.00 30.00 Français
Virtual model 3.00 30.00 Français
Weat air and heat exchangers 3.00 30.00 Français

Mechanical Engineering

Crédits Heures Langue
Fluid Mechanics 5.00 68.00 Français
Modelling mechanical advanced 6.00 77.00 Français
Multidisciplinary industrial project 7.00 104.00 Français
Initiation with Research 5.00 60.00 Français
Management 4.00 45.00 Français
Choisissez 1 option(s) dans 3
Computer Aided Manufacturing 3.00 31.00 Français
Hydraulic components and systems 3.00 31.00 Français
Combustion 3.00 31.00 Français

Partie M2


INSA Toulouse
135, avenue de Rangueil
31077 Toulouse cedex 4

Coût académique moyen constaté hors assurance


Mechanical Engineering

Crédits Heures Langue
Vibrations of industrial structures and Non destructive testing 4.00 50.00 Français
Composite Structures 4.00 50.00 Français
Engineering Thermodynamics 4.00 60.00 Anglais
System level modelling and simulation 3.00 60.00 Français
Project 3.00 40.00 Français
Gestion des Ressources Humaines et vie dans les organisations 4.00 75.00 Français
Choisissez 1 option(s) dans 3
Energy production 6.00 120.00 Français
Applied Numerical Simulation 6.00 120.00 Français
Industrialization 6.00 120.00 Français


Crédits Heures Langue
Training period 30.00 0.00 Anglais

Majeure en System Engineering

Prérequis du niveau de langue


Langue d'enseignement

Seulement en français

Niveau de langue à obtenir

Français B2
Anglais B2


Partie M1


INSA Toulouse
135, avenue de Rangueil
31077 Toulouse cedex 4

Coût académique moyen constaté hors assurance


System Engineering

Crédits Heures Langue
Automatic 4.00 60.00 Français
Computer basis 4.00 60.00 Anglais
Modelling of multi-physics systems 5.00 55.00 Anglais
Power systems and instrumentation 7.00 90.00 Anglais
Communication 6.00 75.00 Anglais
Elective course and sports 4.00 60.00 Français

System Engineering

Crédits Heures Langue
Numerical simulation 6.00 90.00 Anglais
Requirement engineering 4.00 50.00 Anglais
Discrete event systems and Optimization 4.00 52.50 Anglais
Systems architecting 4.00 57.50 Anglais
Project 4.00 45.00 Anglais
Initiation with research 4.00 45.00 Anglais
Quality, Security, environment & Sports 4.00 60.00 Français

Partie M2


INSA Toulouse
135, avenue de Rangueil
31077 Toulouse cedex 4

Coût académique moyen constaté hors assurance


System Engineering

Crédits Heures Langue
Management of risks, dependability and quality 6.00 70.00 Anglais
Industrialization 5.00 60.00 Anglais
Advanced design 6.00 80.00 Anglais
Configuration Management Training and knowledge 3.00 40.00 Anglais
Design methodologies of systems on chip 4.00 42.00 Anglais
Heat Engines and Processes 4.00 50.00 Anglais
Project 2.00 30.00 Anglais


Crédits Heures Langue
Training period 30.00 0.00 Anglais