
Titre officiel : Ingénieur Génie civil - INSA Toulouse

INSA Toulouse

Durée de la formation

2 ans

Coût académique moyen constaté hors assurance

6 693€


Organisme d'accréditation: CTI

Prérequis de la formation

Licence (ou équivalent)

Type de formation

  • Formation initiale


  • Construction, Civil Engineering, Civil Engineering, Air conditionning, Heating, Ventilating , Construction, Civil Engineering, Air conditionning, Heating, Ventilating , Civil Engineering

La section M1 est enseignée par

  • INSA Toulouse

La section M2 est enseignée par

  • INSA Toulouse

Description de la formation

An engineer in Civil engineering is able to design and size buildings and their services within a transverse training.
Specialities of the 4th year ("Building and Public Works" and "Building Services") provide deepened knowledge in sizing methods and design in the domain of buildings for the first one and in the domain of building services for the other one.
Specialities during the 5th year allow the student to choose his own way among public works, building engineering, town planning, high environmental quality, renewable energy and global energetic analysis.
Moreover, an "Architecture" module followed by about 12 students gives some necessary knowledge for entering the 4th year in further studies in an architecture school.

An engineer in Civil engineering is able to design and size buildings and their services within a transverse training.
Specialities of the 4th year ("Building and Public Works" and "Building Services") provide deepened knowledge in sizing methods and design in the domain of buildings for the first one and in the domain of building services for the other one.
Specialities during the 5th year allow the student to choose his own way among public works, building engineering, town planning, high environmental quality, renewable energy and global energetic analysis.
Moreover, an "Architecture" module followed by about 12 students gives some necessary knowledge for entering the 4th year in further studies in an architecture school.

Bourse (Sous réserve de sélection académique par l'école)

Année 1:

eiffel, cumex, egide

Année 2:

eiffel, cumex, egide