Type de formation
- Statistics, Mathematics (Applied), Modeling, Mathematics (Applied), Modeling, Mathematics (Applied)
La section M1 est enseignée par
La section M2 est enseignée par
Description de la formation
An engineer in mathematical engineering is able to model real situations and assist users for mathematical models and methods. Trainings includes solid culture in applied mathematics: differential equations, numerical analysis, statistics and probabilities, mastery of computer tools, good basic training in engineering sciences, sound knowledge of business and management technics. The course combines a grounding in engineering sciences, in the field of life sciences and environmental flows. A large part of the course focuses on the acquisition of cross-disciplinary competences (languages, economics, project management, communication). The mathematical engineer will work in sectors ranging from aeronautic, car and energy industries, life sciences, insurance and
risk managment. He/she will be equally competent in production or R&D.
An engineer in mathematical engineering is able to model real situations and assist users for mathematical models and methods. Trainings includes solid culture in applied mathematics: differential equations, numerical analysis, statistics and probabilities, mastery of computer tools, good basic training in engineering sciences, sound knowledge of business and management technics. The course combines a grounding in engineering sciences, in the field of life sciences and environmental flows. A large part of the course focuses on the acquisition of cross-disciplinary competences (languages, economics, project management, communication). The mathematical engineer will work in sectors ranging from aeronautic, car and energy industries, life sciences, insurance and
risk managment. He/she will be equally competent in production or R&D.
Bourse (Sous réserve de sélection académique par l'école)
Année 1:
Année 2: