
Titre officiel : MSc in Eco-Design and Advanced Composite Structures

IMT Nord Europe

Durée de la formation

2 ans

Coût académique moyen constaté hors assurance

18 000€


Organisme d'accréditation: DGESIP

Prérequis de la formation

Licence (ou équivalent)

Type de formation

  • Formation initiale


  • Sustainable Development, Design, Materials, Composites

La section M1 est enseignée par

  • IMT Nord Europe

La section M2 est enseignée par

  • IMT Nord Europe

Description de la formation

The composite industry is an highly-technical and innovative sector on the rise, sensitive to the ecological transition. Its main concern is to control its life cycle and environmental impact to continue its exponential growth.
The 2-year Master's degree in Eco-Design and Advanced Composite Structures enables students to develop extensive experience in composites, especially sought-after in this highly-technical industry. The courses provided in this master’s degree are directly associated with the industrial issue. To become a complete engineer, one semester is dedicated to the development of management and communication skills as well as the acquisition of knowledge in the fields of business, finance and logistics. It will take place in IMT Business School in Paris Evry.
Students from the Eco-design and Advanced Composite Structures MSc are project-focused. Our laboratories bring together the technical resources required to allow students to experience, on a real-world scale, composite development: technological platform, computing and calculation resources, cluster computing, etc.

Bourse (Sous réserve de sélection académique par l'école)

Année 1:

According to your country of origin and academic records, you may be eligible to one of the several scholarship programmes that exist. IMT Nord Europe’s team is at your disposal to discuss about these possible scholarship opportunities that may exist to finance this study programme.

Année 2:

According to your country of origin and academic records, you may be eligible to one of the several scholarship programmes that exist. IMT Nord Europe’s team is at your disposal to discuss about these possible scholarship opportunities that may exist to finance this study programme.

MSc in Eco-Design and Advanced Composite Structures

Prérequis du niveau de langue

The minimum language level required, namely : B2 in English will be verified no later than end of April, 2025 (sera précisé dans votre offre académique)

Langue d'enseignement

Seulement en anglais

Niveau de langue à obtenir


Partie M1


IMT Nord Europe
764, Boulevard Lahure
59508 Douai

Coût académique moyen constaté hors assurance



Crédits Heures Langue
Materials classification and applications 0.00 4.00 Anglais
Polymer Structures and Properties 1.00 10.00 Anglais
Composite Materials 2.00 12.00 Anglais
Rheology 2.00 16.00 Anglais
Composite Manufacturing 2.00 16.00 Anglais
Extra firm visit – under completion 0.00 0.00 Anglais
Linear Elasticity 2.00 36.00 Anglais
Finite Elements applied to part design 2.00 30.00 Anglais
Design Project on CAD and FEA tools 3.00 40.00 Anglais
Innovation Project 7.00 80.00 Anglais
Physico Chemical Characterization of Polymers and Composites 2.00 24.00 Anglais
Smart and Advanced Polymeric and Composites Materials 1.50 24.00 Anglais
Conferences and littérature project 2.00 40.00 Anglais
Plastics and composites recycling 0.50 4.00 Anglais
Labtime 1.00 8.00 Anglais
French as a Foreign Language 2.00 48.00 Anglais


Crédits Heures Langue
Finance Analytics 2.00 15.00 Anglais
Digital Intelligence and organization transformation 6.00 54.00 Anglais
Personal Development and communication skills 1.00 18.00 Anglais
Business Plan Challenge 5.00 30.00 Anglais
International business 3.00 24.00 Anglais
Supply Chain Management Tactics and Operations 1.00 15.00 Anglais
Global Logistics and Operations 1.00 15.00 Anglais
Management of Innovation and change 2.00 15.00 Anglais
Global HR Management 3.00 24.00 Anglais
Global information and international marketing 3.00 24.00 Anglais
Extra firm visit – under completion 1.00 0.00 Anglais
French as a Foreign Language 2.00 27.00 Anglais

Partie M2


IMT Nord Europe
764, Boulevard Lahure
59508 Douai

Coût académique moyen constaté hors assurance



Crédits Heures Langue
Research Project 7.00 92.00 Anglais
Composite processes modeling 1.50 16.00 Anglais
Modeling of thermoplastic injection process 1.50 14.00 Anglais
Composites modeling project 2.00 16.00 Anglais
Additive Manufacturing, Prototyping 1.00 8.00 Anglais
Laser processes 1.00 16.00 Anglais
Numerical Materials 1.00 20.00 Anglais
Material Behavior Modeling 3.00 48.00 Anglais
Abaqus Project 3.00 8.00 Anglais
Mechanics of composites and sandwich structures 2.00 20.00 Anglais
Thin Structure Modeling 2.00 20.00 Anglais
Advanced Finite Elements 2.00 36.00 Anglais
Study Case 1.00 0.00 Anglais
French as a Foreign Language 2.00 48.00 Anglais


Crédits Heures Langue
Master Thesis 30.00 Anglais