
Titre officiel : Master en génie aéronautique (diplôme d'ingénieur)


Durée de la formation

2 ans

Coût académique moyen constaté hors assurance

25 190€


Organisme d'accréditation: CTI

Prérequis de la formation

Licence (ou équivalent)

Type de formation

  • Formation initiale


  • Satellite, Astrophysics, Mechatronics, Artificial Intelligence, Materials, CAD, Energetics, Motor, Telecommunications, Embedded systems, Aerospace, Aeronautical

La section M1 est enseignée par

  • IPSA- Institut polytechnique des sciences avancées

La section M2 est enseignée par

  • IPSA- Institut polytechnique des sciences avancées

Description de la formation

The Master in Aeronautical Engineering is a full-time 2-year program starting every year in September and takes place in the Parisian Campus (Ivry-sur-Seine).

It is open to candidates holding a 3-year bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) in Aerospace Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical, and Electronic Engineering, Mechatronic Engineering, or related fields.

The master's program is based on a balance between academic and practical activities: lectures, tutorials, seminars, design consultancy, projects related to industrial environments, and internships.

The student is the main actor in their training by choosing a major and different options allowing them to personalize their courses and obtain expertise in a field of their choice. Business conferences and international openness provide additional skills in building student’s critical thinking and ability to make decisions.

It has 2 majors: Vehicles and Signals&Systems

In the first semester, students choose one major guided by our professors and according to their previous formation.
In the second semester, each student chooses among 5 options of study, according to their major.

The master's includes 2 internships: the first internship takes place at the end of the first year and lasts 8 weeks minimum.

*Tuition fees are subject to change every year.
In the third semester, each student chooses among 8 options of study, according to their major and their previous option choice.

The second internship takes place in the last semester and it lasts 6 months. It will most likely lead the student to his first job.