
Titre officiel : Diplôme d'Ingénieur


Durée de la formation

3 ans

Coût académique moyen constaté hors assurance

10 500€


Organisme d'accréditation: CTI

Prérequis de la formation

avant la Licence (ou équivalent)

Type de formation

  • Formation initiale


  • IT.Information tech/eng, Electrical Engineering, Telecommunications, IT.Information tech/eng, Embedded systems, Automotive, Informatics - Computer Science, Security, Informatics - Computer Science, Big data, Telecommunications, Networks (Computer)

La section L3 est enseignée par


La section M1 est enseignée par


La section M2 est enseignée par


Description de la formation

Program Description

Duration of studies is 3 years.
First year (semester 5 & 6) is a common core for all EURECOM engineering students
The second and third years are devoted to majors, to be chosen at the end of semester 6:
Data Science
Internet of Things
Digital Security
Intelligent Communication Systems
Embedded systems

Projects integrated into the curriculum allow students to confront research and company issues.
In the second and third year, students have a large choice of courses in order to build a personalized cursus
Two internships are mandatory during the program:
- one-month intership between first and second year,
- six-month internship during the last semester (S10)
Half a day per week is reserved for sports and cultural activities (Thursday afternoon, which allows students who so wish to take part in university sports competitions).
A mandatory semester in international mobility: EURECOM has many international partners.
Language courses : due to the diversity of nationalities, language courses are offered according to level. Generally, seven courses are open: German, English, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Chinese and French.

First Year Curriculum

The first year is a compulsory common core structured with several courses to address the fundamentals of digital engineering sciences and prepare for the 5 courses offered in 2nd and 3rd year. The first year ends with an internship, lasting a minimum of 4 weeks. A project based on the use of a Raspberry Pie is taught throughout the year
Program Description

Duration of studies is 3 years.
First year (semester 5 & 6) is a common core for all EURECOM engineering students
The second and third years are devoted to majors, to be chosen at the end of semester 6:
Data Science
Internet of Things
Digital Security
Intelligent Communication Systems
Embedded systems

Projects integrated into the curriculum allow students to confront research and company issues.
In the second and third year, students have a large choice of courses in order to build a personalized cursus
Two internships are mandatory during the program:
- one-month intership between first and second year,
- six-month internship during the last semester (S10)
Half a day per week is reserved for sports and cultural activities (Thursday afternoon, which allows students who so wish to take part in university sports competitions).
A mandatory semester in international mobility: EURECOM has many international partners.
Language courses : due to the diversity of nationalities, language courses are offered according to level. Generally, seven courses are open: German, English, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Chinese and French.

First Year Curriculum

The first year is a compulsory common core structured with several courses to address the fundamentals of digital engineering sciences and prepare for the 5 courses offered in 2nd and 3rd year. The first year ends with an internship, lasting a minimum of 4 weeks. A project based on the use of a Raspberry Pie is taught throughout the year
Program Description

Duration of studies is 3 years.
First year (semester 5 & 6) is a common core for all EURECOM engineering students
The second and third years are devoted to majors, to be chosen at the end of semester 6:
Data Science
Internet of Things
Digital Security
Intelligent Communication Systems
Embedded systems

Projects integrated into the curriculum allow students to confront research and company issues.
In the second and third year, students have a large choice of courses in order to build a personalized cursus
Two internships are mandatory during the program:
- one-month intership between first and second year,
- six-month internship during the last semester (S10)
Half a day per week is reserved for sports and cultural activities (Thursday afternoon, which allows students who so wish to take part in university sports competitions).
A mandatory semester in international mobility: EURECOM has many international partners.
Language courses : due to the diversity of nationalities, language courses are offered according to level. Generally, seven courses are open: German, English, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Chinese and French.

First Year Curriculum

The first year is a compulsory common core structured with several courses to address the fundamentals of digital engineering sciences and prepare for the 5 courses offered in 2nd and 3rd year. The first year ends with an internship, lasting a minimum of 4 weeks. A project based on the use of a Raspberry Pie is taught throughout the year

Bourse (Sous réserve de sélection académique par l'école)

Année 1:

Candidates interested in pursuing reasearch and doctorate studies can apply to the CARNOT TSN scholarship. If granted, the student will be awarded a one-time 5000€ scholarship during their studies at EURECOM.

Année 2:

Candidates interested in pursuing reasearch and doctorate studies can apply to the CARNOT TSN scholarship. If granted, the student will be awarded a one-time 5000€ scholarship during their studies at EURECOM.

Année 3:

Candidates interested in pursuing reasearch and doctorate studies can apply to the CARNOT TSN scholarship. If granted, the student will be awarded a one-time 5000€ scholarship during their studies at EURECOM.

Majeure en Data Science DSE

Prérequis du niveau de langue

B2 en Français, Si non atteint un parcours réussite adéquat sera imposé: foundation year et/ou PIL (sera précisé dans votre offre académique)

Langue d'enseignement

Seulement en anglais

Niveau de langue à obtenir

Français B2
Anglais B2

Grade A, B ou C au Cambridge English Advanced ou Proficiency Certificate - TOEFL ITP: 575 - TOEFL IBT: 90 - TOEIC: 850 - IELTS: 7.0

Partie B3


Campus SophiaTech
450 Route des Chappes
06410 Biot Sophia-Antipolis

Coût académique moyen constaté hors assurance



Crédits Heures Langue
Fundamental in Computing 12.50 106.00 Anglais
Mathematics for new information and communication technologies 7.50 63.00 Anglais
Social and Human Sciences 4.00 42.00 Anglais
Semester projet 5.00 100.00 Anglais
Language 1.00 22.00 other


Crédits Heures Langue
Applied signal processing 7.50 63.00 Anglais
Computing and Networks 7.50 63.00 Anglais
Engineering practice 10.00 84.00 Anglais
Social and Human Sciences 4.00 42.00 Anglais
Language 1.00 22.00 other

Partie M1


Campus SophiaTech
450 Route des Chappes
06410 Biot Sophia-Antipolis

Coût académique moyen constaté hors assurance



Crédits Heures Langue
Social And Human Sciences 4.00 42.00 Anglais
Language 1.00 22.00 other
Opening 5.00 50.00 Anglais

Data Science DSE

Crédits Heures Langue
Fundamentals in Data Science 10.00 105.00 Anglais
Web science and mathematical methods 10.00 100.00 Anglais


Crédits Heures Langue
Opening II 5.00 50.00 Anglais
Language 1.00 22.00 other
Social and Human Sciences III 4.00 42.00 Anglais

Data Science DSE

Crédits Heures Langue
Advanced IoT 10.00 84.00 Anglais
Software Engineering, Security & Networks 2 10.00 100.00 Anglais
Advanced Courses in Machine Learning 10.00 120.00 Anglais

Partie M2


Campus SophiaTech
450 Route des Chappes
06410 Biot Sophia-Antipolis

Coût académique moyen constaté hors assurance



Crédits Heures Langue
Social and Human Sciences 4.00 42.00 Anglais
Project 10.00 200.00 Anglais
Language 1.00 22.00 other
Opening III 7.50 75.00 Anglais

Data Science DSE

Crédits Heures Langue
Advanced courses in data technology and applications 7.50 75.00 Anglais


Crédits Heures Langue

Majeure en Digital Security SEC

Prérequis du niveau de langue

B2 en Français, Si non atteint un parcours réussite adéquat sera imposé: foundation year et/ou PIL (sera précisé dans votre offre académique)

Langue d'enseignement

Seulement en anglais

Niveau de langue à obtenir

Français B2
Anglais B2

Grade A, B ou C au Cambridge English Advanced ou Proficiency Certificate - TOEFL ITP: 575 - TOEFL IBT: 90 - TOEIC: 850 - IELTS: 7.0

Partie B3


Campus SophiaTech
450 Route des Chappes
06410 Biot Sophia-Antipolis

Coût académique moyen constaté hors assurance



Crédits Heures Langue
Fundamental in Computing 12.50 106.00 Anglais
Mathematics for new information and communication technologies 7.50 63.00 Anglais
Social and Human Sciences 4.00 42.00 Anglais
Semester projet 5.00 100.00 Anglais
Language 1.00 22.00 other


Crédits Heures Langue
Applied signal processing 7.50 63.00 Anglais
Computing and Networks 7.50 63.00 Anglais
Engineering practice 10.00 84.00 Anglais
Social and Human Sciences 4.00 42.00 Anglais
Language 1.00 22.00 other

Partie M1


Campus SophiaTech
450 Route des Chappes
06410 Biot Sophia-Antipolis

Coût académique moyen constaté hors assurance



Crédits Heures Langue
Social And Human Sciences 4.00 42.00 Anglais
Language 1.00 22.00 other
Opening 5.00 50.00 Anglais

Digital Security SEC

Crédits Heures Langue
Fundamentals in Security 10.00 94.00 Anglais
Computer systems and networks 10.00 100.00 Anglais


Crédits Heures Langue
Opening II 5.00 50.00 Anglais
Language 1.00 22.00 other
Social and Human Sciences III 4.00 42.00 Anglais

Digital Security SEC

Crédits Heures Langue
Advanced in Security 10.00 88.00 Anglais
Analysis and understanding of interactions with computer systems 10.00 100.00 Anglais

Partie M2


Campus SophiaTech
450 Route des Chappes
06410 Biot Sophia-Antipolis

Coût académique moyen constaté hors assurance



Crédits Heures Langue
Social and Human Sciences 4.00 42.00 Anglais
Project 10.00 200.00 Anglais
Language 1.00 22.00 other
Opening III 7.50 75.00 Anglais

Digital Security SEC

Crédits Heures Langue
Advanced courses in security and data technologies 7.50 75.00 Anglais


Crédits Heures Langue

Majeure en Embbeded Systems SEM

Prérequis du niveau de langue

B2 en Français, Si non atteint un parcours réussite adéquat sera imposé: foundation year et/ou PIL (sera précisé dans votre offre académique)

Langue d'enseignement

Seulement en anglais

Niveau de langue à obtenir

Français B2
Anglais B2

Grade A, B ou C au Cambridge English Advanced ou Proficiency Certificate - TOEFL ITP: 575 - TOEFL IBT: 90 - TOEIC: 850 - IELTS: 7.0

Partie B3


Campus SophiaTech
450 Route des Chappes
06410 Biot Sophia-Antipolis

Coût académique moyen constaté hors assurance



Crédits Heures Langue
Fundamental in Computing 12.50 106.00 Anglais
Mathematics for new information and communication technologies 7.50 63.00 Anglais
Social and Human Sciences 4.00 42.00 Anglais
Semester projet 5.00 100.00 Anglais
Language 1.00 22.00 other


Crédits Heures Langue
Applied signal processing 7.50 63.00 Anglais
Computing and Networks 7.50 63.00 Anglais
Engineering practice 10.00 84.00 Anglais
Social and Human Sciences 4.00 42.00 Anglais
Language 1.00 22.00 other

Partie M1


Campus SophiaTech
450 Route des Chappes
06410 Biot Sophia-Antipolis

Coût académique moyen constaté hors assurance



Crédits Heures Langue
Social And Human Sciences 4.00 42.00 Anglais
Language 1.00 22.00 other
Opening 5.00 50.00 Anglais

Embbeded Systems SEM

Crédits Heures Langue
Computer Systems 10.00 84.00 Anglais
Application of computer systems 10.00 100.00 Anglais


Crédits Heures Langue
Opening II 5.00 50.00 Anglais
Language 1.00 22.00 other
Social and Human Sciences III 4.00 42.00 Anglais

Embbeded Systems SEM

Crédits Heures Langue
Data processing technologies 10.00 84.00 Anglais
Algorithms, tools and methods for data processing 10.00 100.00 Anglais

Partie M2


Campus SophiaTech
450 Route des Chappes
06410 Biot Sophia-Antipolis

Coût académique moyen constaté hors assurance



Crédits Heures Langue
Social and Human Sciences 4.00 42.00 Anglais
Project 10.00 200.00 Anglais
Language 1.00 22.00 other
Opening III 7.50 75.00 Anglais

Embbeded Systems SEM

Crédits Heures Langue
Communicating and secure embedded systems 7.50 75.00 Anglais


Crédits Heures Langue

Majeure en Intelligent Communication Systems SCI

Prérequis du niveau de langue

B2 en Français, Si non atteint un parcours réussite adéquat sera imposé: foundation year et/ou PIL (sera précisé dans votre offre académique)

Langue d'enseignement

Seulement en anglais

Niveau de langue à obtenir

Français B2
Anglais B2

Grade A, B ou C au Cambridge English Advanced ou Proficiency Certificate - TOEFL ITP: 575 - TOEFL IBT: 90 - TOEIC: 850 - IELTS: 7.0

Partie B3


Campus SophiaTech
450 Route des Chappes
06410 Biot Sophia-Antipolis

Coût académique moyen constaté hors assurance



Crédits Heures Langue
Fundamental in Computing 12.50 106.00 Anglais
Mathematics for new information and communication technologies 7.50 63.00 Anglais
Social and Human Sciences 4.00 42.00 Anglais
Semester projet 5.00 100.00 Anglais
Language 1.00 22.00 other


Crédits Heures Langue
Applied signal processing 7.50 63.00 Anglais
Computing and Networks 7.50 63.00 Anglais
Engineering practice 10.00 84.00 Anglais
Social and Human Sciences 4.00 42.00 Anglais
Language 1.00 22.00 other

Partie M1


Campus SophiaTech
450 Route des Chappes
06410 Biot Sophia-Antipolis

Coût académique moyen constaté hors assurance



Crédits Heures Langue
Social And Human Sciences 4.00 42.00 Anglais
Language 1.00 22.00 other
Opening 5.00 50.00 Anglais

Intelligent Communication Systems SCI

Crédits Heures Langue
Wireless Communications: Principles and Trends 10.00 84.00 Anglais
Mobile networks and models 10.00 100.00 Anglais


Crédits Heures Langue
Opening II 5.00 50.00 Anglais
Language 1.00 22.00 other
Social and Human Sciences III 4.00 42.00 Anglais

Intelligent Communication Systems SCI

Crédits Heures Langue
Optimization 10.00 87.00 Anglais
Mathematical and algorithmic methods 10.00 100.00 Anglais

Partie M2


Campus SophiaTech
450 Route des Chappes
06410 Biot Sophia-Antipolis

Coût académique moyen constaté hors assurance



Crédits Heures Langue
Social and Human Sciences 4.00 42.00 Anglais
Project 10.00 200.00 Anglais
Language 1.00 22.00 other
Opening III 7.50 75.00 Anglais

Intelligent Communication Systems SCI

Crédits Heures Langue
Calculations and Mobile Services 7.50 75.00 Anglais


Crédits Heures Langue

Majeure en Internet of things IOT

Prérequis du niveau de langue

B2 en Français, Si non atteint un parcours réussite adéquat sera imposé: foundation year et/ou PIL (sera précisé dans votre offre académique)

Langue d'enseignement

Seulement en anglais

Niveau de langue à obtenir

Français B2
Anglais B2

Grade A, B ou C au Cambridge English Advanced ou Proficiency Certificate - TOEFL ITP: 575 - TOEFL IBT: 90 - TOEIC: 850 - IELTS: 7.0

Partie B3


Campus SophiaTech
450 Route des Chappes
06410 Biot Sophia-Antipolis

Coût académique moyen constaté hors assurance



Crédits Heures Langue
Fundamental in Computing 12.50 106.00 Anglais
Mathematics for new information and communication technologies 7.50 63.00 Anglais
Social and Human Sciences 4.00 42.00 Anglais
Semester projet 5.00 100.00 Anglais
Language 1.00 22.00 other


Crédits Heures Langue
Applied signal processing 7.50 63.00 Anglais
Computing and Networks 7.50 63.00 Anglais
Engineering practice 10.00 84.00 Anglais
Social and Human Sciences 4.00 42.00 Anglais
Language 1.00 22.00 other

Partie M1


Campus SophiaTech
450 Route des Chappes
06410 Biot Sophia-Antipolis

Coût académique moyen constaté hors assurance



Crédits Heures Langue
Social And Human Sciences 4.00 42.00 Anglais
Language 1.00 22.00 other
Opening 5.00 50.00 Anglais

Internet of things IOT

Crédits Heures Langue
IoT Basics 10.00 100.00 Anglais
Software Engineering, Security & Networks 10.00 100.00 Français


Crédits Heures Langue
Opening II 5.00 50.00 Anglais
Language 1.00 22.00 other
Social and Human Sciences III 4.00 42.00 Anglais

Internet of things IOT

Crédits Heures Langue
Advanced in IoT 10.00 84.00 Anglais
Software Engineering, Security & Networks 2 10.00 100.00 Anglais

Partie M2


Campus SophiaTech
450 Route des Chappes
06410 Biot Sophia-Antipolis

Coût académique moyen constaté hors assurance



Crédits Heures Langue
Social and Human Sciences 4.00 42.00 Anglais
Project 10.00 200.00 Anglais
Language 1.00 22.00 other
Opening III 7.50 75.00 Anglais

Internet of things IOT

Crédits Heures Langue
Software and systems 7.50 75.00 Anglais


Crédits Heures Langue