
Titre officiel : Master en Sciences et Technologies, RESEAUX & TELECOMMUNICATIONS


Durée de la formation

2 ans

Coût académique moyen constaté hors assurance

18 000€


Organisme d'accréditation: DGESIP

Prérequis de la formation

Licence (ou équivalent)

Type de formation

  • Formation initiale


  • IT.Information tech/eng, Embedded systems, Electrical Engineering, Telecommunications, Networks (Computer), Engineering

La section M1 est enseignée par


La section M2 est enseignée par


Description de la formation

EURECOM offers two State-recognized Master of Science aimed at national and international students in 4 specialties: Digital security, Data Science, Intelligent Communication Systems and IoT. These degrees are open to candidates with the equivalent of a 3/4-year Bachelor's degree in a relevant field.

The Master's degrees are accredited by the French Ministry of Education and Research as National Master's Degrees in Science and Technology and give access to further Phd studies or to top positions in the industry.

EURECOM’s master students have the opportunity to spend the 2nd year of their MsC in one of our member universities and get a double degree.

Major in IoT:
The Internet of Things (IoT) represents a new stage in the digital revolution, fully contributing to the construction of a digital society. Several sectors of the digital society use or will use the internet of objects to improve deployment, exploitation and industrialization procedures. These include intelligent transport, smart grids, smart city, industry 4.0, and so on. The issues concerning the mastery of the technologies and processes around the internet of objects are enormous and require a very high level of expertise with cutting-edge skills in multi disciplinary areas.

Major in Intelligent Communication Systems:
The goal is to tackle the problems from a system viewpoint, taking a vertical cut and following a cross-layer design approach. This corresponds to both the most recent trend in research and to the most desired professional profile for engineers in this field. In fact, it is now well-recognized that problems related to physical layer transmission techniques (RF design, signal processing algorithms, channel coding and modulation), and upper layer protocols (link layer control, multiple-access, routing), that were traditionally treated in a separate fashion in wired networks, must be treated jointly in mobile communication networks.

Bourse (Sous réserve de sélection académique par l'école)

Année 1:

EURECOM offers a variety of scholarships and discount: CARNOT TSN EURECOM scholarship Students interested in pursuing research/doctorate studies upon completion of their Master degree, can petition for the CARNOT TSN EURECOM scholarship upon admission at EURECOM. If selected, student will be awarded a 5000€ scholarship during their first-year study at EURECOM. Make sure to mention your interest in research in your application. EURECOM Excellence or Merit scholarships: Upon reviewing of a student’s application, EURECOM can award a tuition waiver up to 50% off on tuition cost. This scholarship is awarded based on the overall quality of the student application (academic excellence, motivation, experience, language proficiency, etc.). No application needed. Early Bird Discount: EURECOM offers tuition discounts to students who finalize their admission quickly. The discount can be up to 4000€ on program cost. Note that all scholarships awarded by EURECOM can be bundled.

Année 2:

EURECOM offers a variety of scholarships and discount: CARNOT TSN EURECOM scholarship Students interested in pursuing research/doctorate studies upon completion of their Master degree, can petition for the CARNOT TSN EURECOM scholarship upon admission at EURECOM. If selected, student will be awarded a 5000€ scholarship during their first-year study at EURECOM. Make sure to mention your interest in research in your application. EURECOM Excellence or Merit scholarships: Upon reviewing of a student’s application, EURECOM can award a tuition waiver up to 50% off on tuition cost. This scholarship is awarded based on the overall quality of the student application (academic excellence, motivation, experience, language proficiency, etc.). No application needed. Early Bird Discount: EURECOM offers tuition discounts to students who finalize their admission quickly. The discount can be up to 4000€ on program cost. Note that all scholarships awarded by EURECOM can be bundled.

Majeure en Intelligent Communication Systems

Prérequis du niveau de langue

The minimum language level required, namely : B2 in English will be verified no later than end of April, 2025 A2 in french and B2 in English for graduation (sera précisé dans votre offre académique)

Langue d'enseignement

Seulement en anglais

Niveau de langue à obtenir

Français A2
Anglais B2

• Grade A ou B au Cambridge English First Certificate • Grade A, B ou C au Cambridge English Advanced or Proficiency Certificate • TOEFL ITP : 547 • TOEFL IBT : 78 • TOEIC : 750 • IELTS : 6.0

Partie M1


Campus SophiaTech
450 Route des Chappes
06410 Biot Sophia-Antipolis

Coût académique moyen constaté hors assurance



Crédits Heures Langue
Opening 5.00 42.00 Anglais
Social and Human Sciences 4.00 42.00 Anglais
Language 1.00 22.00 other

Intelligent Communication Systems

Crédits Heures Langue
Wireless Communications: Principles and Trends 10.00 84.00 Anglais
Mobile Networks and Models 10.00 84.00 Anglais


Crédits Heures Langue
Opening 5.00 42.00 Anglais
Social and Human Sciences 4.00 42.00 Anglais
Language 1.00 22.00 other

Intelligent Communication Systems

Crédits Heures Langue
Mathematical and Algorithmic Methods 10.00 84.00 Anglais
Networks and Optimization 10.00 84.00 Anglais

Partie M2


Campus SophiaTech
450 Route des Chappes
06410 Biot Sophia-Antipolis

Coût académique moyen constaté hors assurance



Crédits Heures Langue
Opening 5.00 42.00 Anglais
Social and Human Sciences 4.00 42.00 Anglais
Language 1.00 22.00 other
Semester Project 10.00 200.00 Anglais

Intelligent Communication Systems

Crédits Heures Langue
Mobile Services and Applications 10.00 84.00 Anglais


Crédits Heures Langue
Master Thesis Based on an Internship 30.00 Anglais

Majeure en Internet of Things

Prérequis du niveau de langue

The minimum language level required, namely : B2 in English will be verified no later than end of April, 2025 A2 in french and B2 in English for graduation (sera précisé dans votre offre académique)

Langue d'enseignement

Seulement en anglais

Niveau de langue à obtenir

Français A2
Anglais B2

• Grade A ou B au Cambridge English First Certificate • Grade A, B ou C au Cambridge English Advanced or Proficiency Certificate • TOEFL ITP : 547 • TOEFL IBT : 78 • TOEIC : 750 • IELTS : 6.0

Partie M1


Campus SophiaTech
450 Route des Chappes
06410 Biot Sophia-Antipolis

Coût académique moyen constaté hors assurance



Crédits Heures Langue
Opening 5.00 42.00 Anglais
Social and Human Sciences 4.00 42.00 Anglais
Language 1.00 22.00 other

Internet of Things

Crédits Heures Langue
Basics in IOT 10.00 84.00 Anglais
Software: Engineering, Security & Networking I 10.00 84.00 Anglais


Crédits Heures Langue
Opening 5.00 42.00 Anglais
Social and Human Sciences 4.00 42.00 Anglais
Language 1.00 22.00 other

Internet of Things

Crédits Heures Langue
Advanced in IoT 10.00 84.00 Anglais
Software: Engineering, Security & Networking II 10.00 84.00 Anglais

Partie M2


Campus SophiaTech
450 Route des Chappes
06410 Biot Sophia-Antipolis

Coût académique moyen constaté hors assurance



Crédits Heures Langue
Opening 5.00 42.00 Anglais
Social and Human Sciences 4.00 42.00 Anglais
Language 1.00 22.00 other
Semester Project 10.00 200.00 Anglais

Internet of Things

Crédits Heures Langue
Software & Systems 10.00 84.00 Anglais


Crédits Heures Langue
Master Thesis Based on an Internship 30.00 Anglais