
Titre officiel : Diplôme d'ingénieur en Electronique, Energie Electrique et Automatique


Durée de la formation

2 ans

Coût académique moyen constaté hors assurance

7 540€


Organisme d'accréditation: CTI

Prérequis de la formation

Licence (ou équivalent)

Type de formation

  • Formation initiale


  • Microelectronics, Embedded systems, Simulation, Mathematics (Applied), Signal and image processing, Artificial Intelligence, Radio communications and mobile, High Frequency Electronic, Systems, Power, Energy, Environment(al), Embedded systems, Automation, Electromechanical, Mechatronics, Electronics, Electrical Engineering

La section M1 est enseignée par


La section M2 est enseignée par


Description de la formation

The Department of Electronics, Electrical Energy and Automation (3EA) is a merger of the former Departments of Automation and Electrical Engineering (GEA), and Electronics and Signal Processing (EN). The goal of this merger is to provide future engineers of this new department with a broad skillset in the fields of Electronics, Electrical Energy and Automation (3EA), which is known, both in industry and internationally, as Electrical Engineering. The topics covered are those of the two former departments: System integration, electrodynamics communicating systems, advanced electrodynamics and mechatronics, embedded systems, numerical physics and Eco-energy.
Major: Numerical Physics

The goal of the numerical physics specialism is to train engineers with dual transversal skills in the development and the use of numerical methods for applications in the field of Electronics and Electrical Engineering. It proposes a training course with lessons in both application domains (microwaves, mechatronics, power electronics, optics) and numerical methods (applied mathematics and computer science)

Major Electromagnetic communicating systems
The Electromagnetic communicating systems specialism aims to train engineers in electromagnetism for communicating systems. The skills acquired during this course include the understanding of the physical phenomena involved in the transmission of information, the design capabilities of circuits and antennas allowing this transmission to the complete communication system, as well as the knowledge of modeling tools allowing to solve the fundamental equations of electromagnetism. The application fields targeted include microwave engineering in various fields such as space communications, automotive, radars and the Internet of Things.

Major: Systems Integration
This specialism aims to train engineers in integrated systems, particularly in the design of analog, digital, mixed and RF integrated circuits. The skills students will acquire include the design and validation capabilities of circuits and antennas for acquisition, digital/analog processing of information and transmission to form a complete integrated communicating system. The application fields targeted include connected objects, automotive engineering, space, aeronautics, communication

Major Image and Signal Analysis, Representation and Processing

The Image and Signal Analysis, Representation and Processing programme focuses on training expert engineers in data analysis and signal and image processing, with a good knowledge of the models and methods of literature, and capable of developing, testing and assessing the solutions to any given problem. This includes the fields of bio-medical engineering, remote sensing, connected objects, navigation and localisation, transport, surveillance and diagnosis.

Major Electrical conversion and power grids:

This program allows students to strengthen their knowledge in power electronics. It is mainly related to the applications of converters on the control of electric grids, electric actuators and renewable energy sources. It includes lectures on power conversion and control as well as practical exercises from industrial applications.

Major Eco-Energy:

The goal is to design sustainable energy systems.
The Eco-Energy training gives an in-depth knowledge of the energy sector, which accounts for 50% of the total ecological footprint of humanity and constitutes a major challenge for sustainable development. The deep renewal of this sector simultaneously concerns the cluster of primary sources (fossil, nuclear, renewable), energy vectors (electricity and eco-fuels), treatment processes (CO2 sequestration, hydrogen production - energy) and end-use systems (electrochemical components, fuel cells, accumulators, wind and photovoltaic generators, hybrid systems, electronic treatment of electrical energy). All of these elements are studied during this training completed methodological tools for analyzing complex systems combining these different elements (LCA, optimization, ...)